
Proper Diet Plan for Jaundice Patient

Jaundice is caused by excess bilirubin in the blood. When the   hemoglobin  breaks down in the blood, bilirubin is formed, which is normally transported to the liver where it combines with bile and then gets eliminated from the body. However, when the liver is unable to filter the bilirubin, it piles up in the blood, causing skin discoloration. Jaundice in adults cannot be treated, but the treatment is given for underlying conditions like liver disease or blocked bile ducts. Recovering from jaundice can be a trying time for the person afflicted as well as his family. However, the right diet plays a very important role in speeding up the recovery of the patient. Often such diets are very restrictive and boring to the palate. It is hard work for everyone involved to make sure that the patient follows a healthy meal plan to recover soon. This article details the symptoms of jaundice, dietary tips to help in recovery, and foods to avoid during jaundice. Symptoms of Jaundice A person suffer

Ideal Diet Chart for Ovarian Cancer Patients

  For women who are undergoing treatment for ovarian cancer or who have completed treatment, nutrition is key not only to overall health and well-being but will help you feel better throughout the day. The right selection of foods during and after treatment will meet your body’s needs for protein, vitamins, and other nutrients, and it can make a major difference in your quality of life as well. Uncomfortable symptoms such as gas, bloating, and constipation is common in women with ovarian cancer, but those symptoms can be minimized with the right diet and plenty of fluids. The foods and supplements you should try to incorporate in your diet will depend on where you are in your treatment journey for ovarian cancer, says Anna Taylor, RD, a registered dietitian with Cleveland Clinic’s Center for Human Nutrition. “For example, people have different nutrition needs while actively undergoing treatment or recovering from surgery or a complication than they would after treatment,” says Taylor.

Pregnancy Diet Chart for Indian Women

  Sporting the baby bump, are you? Congratulations!! You’re here looking for a pregnancy diet chart. Good! It’s always wise to keep searching for new and healthy things to add to your pregnancy diet. Trying out different kinds of food, will keep your taste buds a tingle and stop you from reaching for that packet of junk food. ell, it’s true. You have to eat more during pregnancy. No one needs to tell you that. You, yourself will feel extra hungry once the second trimester kicks in. In the first trimester, you may not feel the need to eat extra. In fact with morning sickness, you will have trouble keeping any food down. Our Indian diet is quite wholesome by itself, as it comprises all the food groups required to keep you healthy. Supplementing your pregnancy diet with some extra portions, more fruits and vegetables should be good enough. And who can forget – ghee!!! Ghee, ghee, ghee. If you are pregnant and from the north or a Marwari family, your mother-in-law will drown you in ghee, t